Sunday, October 2, 2011

Active Examination

I've been experiencing a metamorphosis of sorts lately. A lot of inner reflection -- which isn't new for me. What is new is the self examination has progressed beyond a passive viewing the inner self and acknowledging the existence of its components by merely nodding an affirmation. I have moved into an active assessment of these components. I have begun to engage in an analysis of these individual aspects and question their roots, their validity, their value, their permanence.

Are these elements of my True Self? Are they part of a False Self?

If part of my True Self, what work is required to strengthen them? How do they serve the whole of my life? Are they in any way thwarted or compromised? What is needed to expand and build them?

If these are elements of a False Self, what work is required to remove them? Is understanding the origin of their existence necessary in eliminating them? Or, is understanding their false nature sufficient to rid them? What purpose have they served and what part of my True Self has been crippled or vanquished by these replacement parts? What is the real work of removing them?

Self assessment is vital.. It is imperative. But, it must progress beyond passive acceptance into active transformation. Merely acknowledging the existence of a False Self does not rid it.  A dynamic pursuit is required to rid false aspects from one's existence.  This is the path to successful existence.
No man has a chance to enjoy permanent success until he begins to look in a mirror for the real cause of all his mistakes. -- Napoleon Hill

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