Sunday, September 9, 2012


It seems for the majority of my life my goal has been to gain some sense of Peace.

To stop the free fall into the abyss.

I like Peace. 

I need Peace.

And trust me my life has need of Peace. Probably the past has caused an undue emphasis on the need for Peace.

However, the sad fact is that I have had an extreme definition of Peace.  That definition has encompassed there being no disturbance, no friction, no upset of any kind effecting what I feel is my balance.  So, if the actions of another cause a disturbance, friction, or upset -- guess what?  Yep.  They are out. I might get to keep my sense of balance, but people tend to get just thrown aside because let's face it, nothing is more important than my sense of peace.

I'm not saying Peace shouldn't be a goal.  However, a re-examination of my definition of Peace is probably in order.

So how does one keep the Peace and keep the People as well?

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